Hello Roundtable folks,
Our next CSREM Roundtable Alliance safety professional development meeting is Tuesday, October 13 at 10:00. Our speaker is Kimberly A Stille, Regional Administrator, USDOL – OSHA Region I. Kim will provide a DOC (Directorate of Construction) update coupled with a general OSHA update.
As you remember at last month’s meeting, Mark Heffron, Sr. Safety and Health Specialist from OSHA’s Region 1 Enforcement Program and Technical Support, Boston Office instructed us in the new Confined Space in Construction Subpart AA Standard. Mark developed a power point presentation for our meeting. Many of you requested if Mark would make his very detailed presentation available. Your requests were heard and answered. Mark obtained permission to release his presentation. It is both posted on our CSREM website. Although, rather that make you hunt and peck for it, for your ease, we have attached it (all 55 pages) to this email.
This October meeting is being sponsored and hosted by Shaun Carvalho, Safety Director, Shawmut Design and Construction. The meeting is being held @ Wyndham/Chelsea, 201 Everett Ave, Chelsea, MA 02150. If ya get lost, call Nancy Hughes on her cell phone # 617-959-4414. Of note though, parking will be tight. We used to overflow park across the street from the hotel’s main in the gravel lot. That area is not available as Skanska is constructing a Boston Professional Office Building in that lot.
As always, please RSVP to Nancy of OHS Training & Consulting Inc. at nancy@ohstrainconsult.com by this Friday October 9th for an accurate head count for the luncheon and to assure we are within room capacity regulations. If ya get lost, call Nancy Hughes on her cell # 617-959-4414.
10/13/15 – sponsor Shawmut Design and Construction and host Wyndham