OSHA Related

December’s Meeting Announcement – “Safety Program Evolution – Looking Back to Look Forward” 

From Glenn…. Hello CSREM Ambassador Alliance Roundtable folks, 

Our next CSREM Ambassador Alliance safety professional development meeting is December 10, 2024 starting at 10 AM. The meeting is sponsored, and hosted, by Dennis Mullen of Gilbane Building Company. The meeting is being held at Hilton Garden Inn Boston Logan, 100 Boardman Street, Boston, MA 02128.

Dennis Mullen, Safety Director, New England Division, Gilbane Building Company, will lead a presentation on “Safety Program Evolution – Looking Back to Look Forward.  We will review a number of Gilbane’s above OSHA policies that we’ve implemented over the past 20 plus years, discussing initiatives that have worked and others that failed to gain traction and become part of a sustainable safety culture.  We will also discuss looking ahead to the next five years with a focus on safety during design phase and improved hazard identification and planning during 30-day look ahead and schedule reviews.


If ya get lost call Nancy on her cell phone 617-959-4414. Per usual and customary, please RSVP to Nancy Hughes of OHS Training & Consulting, Inc. at nancy.hughes@ohstc.us by noon-time this Friday 12/06/24 to ensure an accurate meal head-count is provided to the hotel for catering and in-seating arrangements.  

November Meeting – Nov 12, 2024 at 10AM

The next CSREM Ambassador Alliance Roundtable meeting is November 12, 2024 @ 10:00 with the Primary topic of Hearing Conservation in Construction

This meeting is being sponsored and hosted by Raymond C. Coia, Administrator, New England Laborers’ Health and Safety Fund. The meeting is being held at Hilton Garden Inn Boston Logan, 100 Boardman Street, Boston, MA 02128.

Timothy S. Irving, Acting Director, Directorate of Construction, US DOL/OSHA is providing the speaker for this Roundtable meeting, namely, Terry N. Goodwin MS, CSP, Safety & Occupational Health Specialist, Office of Construction Services, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Washington DC. 

Terry Goodwin is a Safety & Occupational Health Specialist (Industrial Hygiene) working in the Office of Construction Services, Directorate of Construction, at OSHA National Office. He has worked in the environment, health, and safety fields since 2017. Before coming to OSHA, Mr. Goodwin worked in the Industrial Hygiene office at Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, in Frederick, Maryland. He also served in the U.S. Air Force, which you all know is dear to my heart. I offer this short bio on Terry in advance as under the current administration all OSHA travel in outreach has been put on hold for the OSHA fiscal first quarter. As a result, this November CSREM meeting will be held in seat at Hilton Garden although in a private virtual meeting.

The Directorate of Construction (DOC) has a dedicated industrial hygiene team working to address health hazards in construction. The team is actively investigating potential future projects focused on addressing safety and health issues related to heat, silica, asbestos, respirable dust, lead, and ergonomics. Terry can answer questions related to those endeavors. The industrial hygienists team recently completed a project that provided training tools and resources on the topic of noise in the workplace. Terry’s primary topic for this meeting is #ListenUp – Hearing Conservation in Construction includes the following customizable materials:

This meeting is being sponsored and hosted by Raymond C. Coia, Administrator, New England Laborers’ Health and Safety Fund. The meeting is being held at Hilton Garden Inn Boston Logan, 100 Boardman Street, Boston, MA 02128. If ya get lost call Nancy on her cell phone 617-959-4414. Per usual and customary, please RSVP to Nancy Hughes of OHS Training & Consulting, Inc. at nancy.hughes@ohstc.us by noon-time Friday 11/08/24 to ensure an accurate meal head-count is provided to the hotel for catering and in-seating arrangements.  

October Meeting Announcement

From Glenn:

Hello Ambassador Alliance Roundtable folks, 

Our next CSREM Ambassador Alliance safety professional development meeting is October 8th starting at 10AM with “Federal OSHA Safety Training Requirements” as the topic. 

Michael A. Fiore, Program Supervisor for the MA Department of Labor Standards, On-Site Consultation Program, is providing both the topic and speaker for this Roundtable meeting. Our own Merrill Mac Innis, Occupational Safety Consultant, MA OSHA Consultation Program, will present on “Training Requirements in OSHA Construction Standards”. 

This meeting is being sponsored and hosted by Glenn Narrow and Rob Lilley of Greenwood Industries. The meeting is being held at Hilton Garden Inn Boston Logan,100 Boardman Street, Boston, MA 02128. If ya get lost call Nancy on her cell phone 617-959-4414. Please RSVP to Nancy Hughes of OHSTC Inc. nancy.hughes@ohstc.us  by noon-time this Friday 10/04/24 to ensure an accurate meal head-count is provided to the hotel for catering and in-seating arrangements.  

Schedule of upcoming meeting dates & corresponding sponsors:

Sept 10, 2024 – OHS Training & Consulting @ Hilton Garden Inn Boston  

Oct  08, 2024 – Greenwood Industries @ Hilton Garden Inn Boston  

Nov 12, 2024 – New England Labor Health and Safety Fund @ Hilton Garden Inn Boston  

Dec 10, 2024 – Gilbane Building Company @ Hilton Garden Inn Boston  

June Meeting Announcement

From Glenn: Hello Ambassador Alliance Roundtable folks, 

Our next CSREM Ambassador Alliance safety professional development meeting is June 11th. Topic of this meeting is Trenching and Excavation Safety.

Presenter is Kevin O’Brien, Northeast Key Account Manager, United Rentals Trench Safety.  Kevin will address commonly misunderstood aspects of trench safety, will cover the 20′ rule, limitations of protective systems, trench shield usage, edge fall protection, and more. Kevin will review Trenching and Excavation Safety in celebration of Trench Safety Month and in preparation for Trench Safety Stand Down Week (June 17-23).  

This meeting is being sponsored and hosted by Tim Hunt of W L French Co. The meeting is being held at Hilton Garden Inn Boston Logan,100 Boardman Street, Boston, MA 02128. If ya get lost call Nancy on her cell phone 617-959-4414. Please RSVP to Nancy Hughes of OHS Training & Consulting, Inc. nancy.hughes@ohstc.us  by noon-time this Friday 06/07/24 to ensure an accurate meal head-count is provided to the hotel for catering and in-seating arrangements.  

Historical Meetings Perspective is attached.  

Schedule of meeting dates & sponsors:

June 11, 2024 – W.L. French @ Hilton Garden Inn Boston  

July/August – summer break

Sept 10, 2024 – Open

Oct  08, 2024 – New England Labor Health and Safety Fund @ Hilton Garden Inn Boston  

Nov 12, 2024 – Open

Dec 10, 2024 – Open

April Meeting Announcement

Hello Ambassador Alliance Roundtable folks, 

Our next CSREM Roundtable Ambassador Alliance safety professional development meeting will be April 09th on two topics, namely, OSHA Enforcement Actions and Stress at Work Well Being.

Harry Carlson of OHS Training & Consulting, Inc.  will discuss OSHA’s latest Guidance Memorandum Issued on application of Instance by Instance Penalties as they now also apply to high gravity serious violations.

In addition, Harry will provide an overview of how stress can be harmful to our health and increase mental health challenges. While there are many things in life that induce stress, work can be one of those factors. However, workplaces can also be a key place for resources, solutions, and activities designed to improve our mental health and well-being as well as that of our employees.

This meeting is sponsored and hosted by Nancy Hughes of OHSTC. The meeting is being held at Hilton Garden Inn Boston Logan,100 Boardman Street, Boston, MA 02128. If ya get lost call Nancy on her cell phone 617-959-4414. Please RSVP to Nancy Hughes of OHS Training & Consulting, Inc. nancy.hughes@ohstc.us  by noon-time Friday 04/05/24 to ensure an accurate meal head-count is provided to the hotel for catering and in-seating arrangements.  

Schedule of meeting dates & sponsors:

April 09, 2024 – OHSTC @ Hilton Garden Inn Boston  

May 14, 2024 – Open 

June 11, 2024 – W.L. French @ Hilton Garden Inn Boston  

July/August – summer break

Sept 10, 2024 – Open

December’s Meeting

From Glenn:

Happy Holiday’s Roundtable folks,

Our next CSREM Roundtable Alliance safety professional development meeting is Tuesday, December 11th at 10:00. This month we have two speakers as follows:

Joe Green, Compliance Assistance Specialist from the Andover Area Office will discuss why OSHA updated its National Emphasis Program (NEP) on Trenching and Excavation and how the Agency is supporting compliance assistance and inspection programs that address trenching and excavation operations. OSHA has documented the continuing incidence of trench/excavation collapses and accompanying loss of life and has determined that trenching and excavating worksites continue to warrant an increased enforcement presence nationally. Trenching and excavation work exposes workers to extremely dangerous hazards.  According to data, there were 130 fatalities recorded in trenching and excavation operations between 2011 and 2016.  The private construction industry accounted for 80%, or 104, of those fatalities.  An alarming 49% of those construction fatalities occurred between 2015 and 2016.


Daniel Kilburn, Engineering Supervisor, Massachusetts Division of Professional Licensure, Office of Public Safety and Inspections, Tewksbury, MA (617) 877-0737 will present on MA Hoisting Regulations as a subject and more specifically to recent hoisting regulation changes since his last Roundtable presentation.  As most of you remember Dan and Rob Anderson Chief of Inspections – Building & Engineering co-presented at the June, 13, 2017  Roundtable meeting sponsored and hosted by Consigli. They provided an eloquent explanation through the Ninth Edition of the State Building Codes, Construction Supervisor Licensing and Other Exams, Trenching regulations, Recreational Tramway Safety and MA Hoisting Licenses. Robs presentation is posted to our CSREM website. Question: do you still need to have a valid driver’s license to apply for a MA Hydraulic License? In my opinion, all of us who have fork trucks in our warehouse facility and Lull’s on our jobsites need to hear Dan speech on the difference of MA operator training requirements.


The December meeting is being sponsored and hosted by Drew Peckham, Unified Construction Group LLC, Woburn, MA. Meeting is being held at Double Tree Hotel (formally Wyndham/Chelsea), 201 Everett Ave, Chelsea, MA 02150. If ya get lost, call Nancy Hughes.


As always, please RSVP to Nancy of OHS Training & Consulting, Inc. at nancy.ohstc@gmail.com by this Friday December 7th for an accurate head count for seating arrangements and luncheon order.

November’s Meeting Announcement

From Glenn: Hello Roundtable folks,

Our next CSREM Roundtable Alliance safety professional development meeting is Tuesday, November 13th at 10:00. This month’s speaker is Tim Irving and topic is his annual OSHA update.

Tim Irving, Assistant Regional Administrator for Cooperative and State Programs, US DOL/OSHA Region 1 Office, JFK Federal Building, Room E 340, Boston, MA, 02203, will present his ever popular “Annual OSHA Update” and recap of the agency’s fiscal year enforcement and outreach results for FY 2018.  The review will cover the national, regional and local inspection and citation information as well as the regional fatal accident statistics. The CSREM has been instrumental in the success of the OSHA outreach efforts and other campaigns. Tim will give an update on how the success of these local events have national implications and how we can support upcoming training and Region I’s effort to initiate the 24/7 Challenge where organizations “Don’t just ensure your workers go home safe – Make sure they come back to work healthy the next shift.”

Both the sponsor and host for this month’s meeting is Joanne Cameron of National Lumber. The meeting is being held at National Lumber, 245 Oakland St, Mansfield MA facility in upstairs 2nd floor training room. If ya still get lost, call Joanne. PARKING NOTE – please do not park in the front of the building as this is reserved for store shopping customers. There is plenty of parking on the side of the building and along both sides of adjacent Oakland street. Please respect their walk-in customers.

As customary, please RSVP to Nancy Hughes of OHS Training & Consulting Inc. at  nancy.ohstc@gmail.com, by noontime Friday November 09th to insure we have an accurate head count for the luncheon. Room capacity at National Lumber is 82.

May’s Meeting Notice

The next CSREM Roundtable Alliance safety professional development meeting is next Tuesday, May 8th at 10:00. This month’s Topic is a presentation on OSHA Stand Downs occurring between now and June 22nd.

Speakers are Peter Barletta, CAS Braintree and Joe Green, CAS Andover OSHA Area offices within Region 1 will present OSHA Focus Four Campaign (March through June), National Falls Stand Down (May 7 through 11th) and National Emphasis Program Trenches Safety Stand-Down (the week of June 18th).

If you haven’t personally conducted a stand down and want some helpful information, attached please find 8 applicable training documents forwarded by Tim Irving, Assistant Regional Administrator/Cooperative and State Programs as supplied by his friends out in Region III.

This May meeting is being sponsored and hosted by Bill Timmons, Corporate Safety Manager, SPS New England. Meeting is being held at Double Tree Hotel (formally Wyndham/Chelsea), 201 Everett Ave, Chelsea, MA 02150. If ya get lost, call Nancy Hughes.

As customary, please RSVP to Nancy Hughes of OHS Training & Consulting Inc. at nancy.ohstc@gmail.com, by noontime this Friday May 4th as to ensure an accurate head count is provided to the hotel for catering and seating arrangements.

Electrical toolbox talk #3 (final) Electrical toolbox talk #4 (final) Electrical toolbox talk #5 (final) Electrical toolbox talk #7 (final) Electrical toolbox talk # 6 (final) Electrical toolbox talk #1 (final) Electrical toolbox talk #2 (final)

January’s Power Point Slides Now Available

The January CSREM Roundtable Alliance safety professional development meeting was held on January 9th, 2018. Many thanks go out to the co-speakers Paul Katz of OSHA Advocate and Peter Barletta of OSHA.

Paul Katz, atty, retired OSHA Solicitor presented “OSHA – for me and you”.

Peter Barletta CAS, CSP, MPA, U.S. Department of Labor – OSHA discussed a smorgasbord of current OSHA topics, such as fatality data, Local Emphasis Programs, electronic reporting, etc. See the following link for his powerpoint slides.

CSREM-OSHA Outreach FY2018

Sponsor for the meeting was Kevin Howland, Safety Director, Century Drywall Inc.

The meeting was hosted by Dan Lavoie of Liberty Mutual.

November’s Meeting Announcement

From Glenn:

” Invitation to CSREM Roundtable meeting Tuesday November 08, 2016 at 10:00

Nancy, please forward to Roundtable distribution – thank you. Glenn

Hello Roundtable folks,

Our next CSREM Roundtable Alliance professional safety development meeting is Tuesday, November 08th at 10:00. The speaker for this meeting is Tim Irving.

Tim Irving, Assistant Regional Administrator for Cooperative and State Programs, US DOL/OSHA Region 1 Office, JFK Federal Building, Room E 340, Boston, MA, 02203, will present the ever popular “Annual OSHA Update” and recap the agency’s fiscal year enforcement and outreach results for 2016.  The review will cover the national, regional and local inspection and citation information as well as the regional fatal accident statistics. The CSREM has been instrumental in the success of the OSHA outreach efforts on Mirror Check Day, Heat Illness and Injury, Fall Protection, Cut it Out, Ladder Safety Stand Down and other campaigns. Tim will give an update on how the success of these local events have national implications and how we can support upcoming trainings.

The sponsor and host for this month’s meeting is Joanne Cameron of National Lumber. The meeting is being held at National Lumber, 245 Oakland St, Mansfield MA facility upstairs 2nd floor training room. Directions are below. If ya still get lost, call Joanne on her cell phone # 508-294-8771PARKING NOTE – please do not park in the front of the building as that is reserved for shopping customers. There is plenty of parking on the side of the building and along both sides of Oakland street.

As customary, please RSVP to Nancy Hughes of OHS Training & Consulting Inc. at nancy.ohstc@gmail.com, by next Friday November 04th to assure your name is on the list as seating capacity is 82 and an accurate head count is needed for the luncheon.

NOTE – the CSREM booking period for 2017 is now open. Please see below sponsorship opportunities.


Remaining 2016 MEETING SCHEDULE :

Nov 08 – sponsor and host National Lumber @ National Lumber, Mansfield

Dec 13 – sponsor open – host Liberty Mutual, Weston


January 10th – sponsor open & host @ Liberty Mutual

February 14th

March   14th  – sponsor open & host @Liberty Mutual

April 11th

May 09th

June   13th

Jul/Aug off

September 12th

October 10th   – sponsor open & host @ Liberty Mutual

November 14th – Sponsor and host – National Lumber

December 12th – sponsor open & host @Liberty Mutual”

Cut-Off Saw Safety Stand Down Scheduled Sep 13, 2016

From Tim S. Irving, Assistant Regional Administrator/Cooperative and State Programs, US DOL/OSHA


The next safety stand down for Region I is scheduled for Tuesday, September 13, 2016 and will cover working with Cut Off Saws which will be beneficial to the Construction and Landscaping industries which frequently use these tools.  The “Cut-It-Out” Region I Stand Down is being presented as a direct result of local accidents involving Cut-Off Saws resulting in severe injuries, including amputations and in at least one case a fatality.   The material provided and format is similar to other recent Regional Stand Downs where the foreman or supervisor can utilize the training materials as a tool box talk.   I am requesting you to forward this email and attachments to your distribution list within the Construction and Landscaping industries, although other may apply, request their participation and encourage them to complete the course evaluation after the training has been completed.


OSHA Region I
Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Time: Start anytime between 7:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Duration: Expected between 30 minutes and one hour depending on location size
Location: Buildings, landscaping projects and construction sites throughout New England
Sponsor: OSHA Region I – Cooperative and State Programs
Contact: Timothy S. Irving, Assistant Regional Administrator 617-565-9807

Peter Barletta, Compliance Assistance Specialist 617-565-6924


OSHA Region I Cooperative and State Programs and the Area Offices are working with our State Partners, Alliances, Partnerships, Voluntary Protection Programs and SHARP companies have scheduled a Safety Awareness for Cut-Off Saws Training “Cut-it-Out” Day on Tuesday, September 13, 2016, starting anytime between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Mission Description: During the allotted time frame of the “Cut-it-out,” each participating company will designate an individual to provide a group safety training component involving employees on their project/location. In addition, the company will review its site and identify hazards related to Cut-Off Saws which could be reduced through engineering controls or PPE. Participating organizations will be asked to document training and inspections via their own internal attendance sheets and complete a course evaluation to assist in determining of the effectiveness of this event. Please coordinate the totals for your facility/location or site and have one course evaluation completed per facility/location or site:  ­­­ https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GLM8JY3

Information Provided: Working Safer and Smarter with Power Cut-Off Saws booklet by High Performance Diamond Technology, Cut-Off Saw Safety Tool Box Talk by WorkSafe.  Concrete Construction Magazine Safety Article reprint – http://www.concreteconstruction.net/products/general-construction-equipment/safety-with-saws_o , and OSHA Letter of Interpretation are provided electronically and will be posted on the Safety Training and Inspection Days – New England Facebook page two weeks prior to training date.  The material provided is recommended but are not required to be used.   In addition, links to other educational videos and training sites are attached; AGC Cut-Off saw safety Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXuHDiUPGCI , Cut-Off Machine Safety, Maintenance and Operation  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eWNI9v5mz0 .  Special thanks to AGC America, www.WorkSafeCenter.com, www.concreteconstruction.net  and High Performance Diamond Technology Ltd.

Concrete Construction Mag Art Cut It Out Evaluation Flyer and introduction Cut it out Jul16 draft OSHA LIO Cut off Saw Tool Box Cut Off Saw Working Safer Power Cut-Off Saws Booklet

May Meeting Announcement

From Glenn:

Hello Roundtable folks,

Our next CSREM Roundtable Alliance safety professional development meeting is Tuesday, May 10th at 10:00. The topic for this month’s meeting is Underground Electric Utility Safety & New Customer Connect.

Michael Hayhurst, Vice President of Eversource Electric and Gas will present an overview of how the electric system operates in this area as well as focusing on the Underground Electric Grid.

Michael Sweeney, Manager, Eversource Distribution Construction & Contractor Civil Construction, will present on the Eversource Electric Utility transmission and sub-transmission system design which includes all aspects of underground civil construction as it relates to Eversource Electric in the city of Boston.

Mr. Sweeney will also review safety guidelines as they relate to the following:

  1. 1Establishing and maintaining effective communication with Eversource and their contractors throughout the completion of work.
  2. Dig Safe
  3. Underground Electric Safety
  4. Work-zone safety precautions designed to protect pedestrian traffic, motorists, and neighboring customers.

John Quinn, Senior Supervisor, Eversource New Customer Connect, will discuss protocol for new customer connect requests.

The Lessons Learned portion of our meeting will be presented by Jon Duffy, Manager, Eversource Safety, and Shaun O’Sullivan, Local #369 safety representative will review a “near miss” that involved construction excavation equipment and an energized underground high voltage cable.

The sponsors for this May meeting are Michael Hayhurst, Vice President and Douglas Foley, Vice President of Eversource Electric and Gas, and meeting is being hosted by Craig Pinkham, President of Local 369 Utility Workers Union Of America.

This meeting is being held at Local #369 UWUA Union Hall, 120 Bay State Drive Braintree, MA 02184. The 369 union hall is just down the street on the right from the OSHA Boston South aka Braintree Area Office. If ya still get lost please call the Union Hall for directions phone 781-848-3740 or Judy Fleming 617-943-7721.

As always, please RSVP to Nancy Hughes of OHS Training & Consulting Inc. at nancy.ohstc@gmail.com, by Friday May 6th for an accurate head count for the luncheon.

October’s Meeting Information

Hello Roundtable folks,

Our next CSREM Roundtable Alliance safety professional development meeting is Tuesday, October 13 at 10:00. Our speaker is Kimberly A Stille, Regional Administrator, USDOL – OSHA Region I. Kim will provide a DOC (Directorate of Construction) update coupled with a general OSHA update.

As you remember at last month’s meeting, Mark Heffron, Sr. Safety and Health Specialist from OSHA’s Region 1 Enforcement Program and Technical Support, Boston Office instructed us in the new Confined Space in Construction Subpart AA Standard. Mark developed a power point presentation for our meeting. Many of you requested if Mark would make his very detailed presentation available. Your requests were heard and answered. Mark obtained permission to release his presentation. It is both posted on our CSREM website. Although, rather that make you hunt and peck for it, for your ease, we have attached it (all 55 pages) to this email.

This October meeting is being sponsored and hosted by Shaun Carvalho, Safety Director, Shawmut Design and Construction. The meeting is being held @ Wyndham/Chelsea, 201 Everett Ave, Chelsea, MA 02150. If ya get lost, call Nancy Hughes on her cell phone # 617-959-4414.  Of note though, parking will be tight. We used to overflow park across the street from the hotel’s main in the gravel lot. That area is not available as Skanska is constructing a Boston Professional Office Building in that lot.

As always, please RSVP to Nancy of OHS Training & Consulting Inc. at nancy@ohstrainconsult.com by this Friday October 9th for an accurate head count for the luncheon and to assure we are within room capacity regulations. If ya get lost, call Nancy Hughes on her cell # 617-959-4414.


10/13/15 – sponsor Shawmut Design and Construction and host Wyndham

11/10/15 – sponsor Zurich and host National Lumber
12/08/15 – sponsor open and host Liberty Mutual

Files Available from the September Meeting

Click the “Read more” button for the links.
Hello Roundtable folks,
Our first, after summer break, CSREM Roundtable Alliance safety professional development meeting is Tuesday, September 08th at 10:00. Topic is the new Confined Space in Construction Standard. Attached please find .pdf version of the standard (621 pages) for your reading pleasure. Unlike the sister general industry version there are requirements for the exposing contractor, controlling contractor and in some cases the owner.
Mark Heffron, Sr. Safety and Health Specialist from OSHA’s Region 1 Enforcement Program and Technical Support, Boston Office will instruct us in the new Confined Space in Construction Subpart AA. Mark will discuss General Industry vs. Construction, the definitions of a confined space, a permit-required confined space, site evaluation, permits, training, rescue, host employer information exchange, and more.
This new OSHA rule took effect August 3, 2015 although employers have until October 2, 2015 (OSHA memo) to indicate to OSHA that they are making a good faith effort to comply with the standard. In addition, the standard now includes attics and crawlspaces, this took effect August 4, 2015 and will also be enforceable after October 2, 2015.
This meeting is being sponsored by Derek Lines, Safety & Health Director, John Moriarty & Associates and hosted by Kevin McCarthy of Liberty Mutual. The meeting is being held at Liberty Mutual Conference Center, Riverside Office Park, 20 Riverside Road, Weston, MA 02493. If ya get lost, call either Kevin on his cell phone # 617-512-0848 or Nancy Hughes on her cell # 617-959-4414.
As you know one needs to be badged for entry into the Liberty’s facility. Please RSVP to Nancy of OHS Training & Consulting Inc. at nancy@ohstrainconsult.com by this Friday September 4th @ 12:00 as the food order must be submitted and security list provided to Liberty security.
Jul/Aug – summer off
09/08/15 – sponsor JMA and host Liberty Mutual
10/13/15 – sponsor Shawmut Design and Construction and host Wyndham
11/10/15 – sponsor Zurich and host National Lumber
12/08/15 – sponsor open and host Liberty Mutual