From Glenn: Hello Roundtable members,
Our next CSREM Roundtable Alliance safety professional development meeting is Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 10:00.
This month’s speaker is Mark Heffron, USDOL-OSHA Region 1, JFK Federal Building, Boston Office, Enforcement Programs.
Mark will present – Advanced Fall Protection – topics to include:
- Do you use personal fall arrest systems (PFAS) (i.e., harness, lanyards, anchors, etc.).
- Do you have a Competent Person (CP) for your fall protection?
- Do you have a Qualified Person (QP) for your fall protection?
- Can your workers and CP’s identify anchor points for PFASs?
- Do your workers and/or CP’s know how to calculate fall distances based on the systems they are using.
- Do you know the difference between a Class A and Class B Self-Retracting Lifelines (SRL), or Class B LE SRL’s?
This Presentation will;
- Identify equipment types and equipment limitations.
- Calculate basic fall distances.
- Identify and calculate fall distance for three basic types of PFAS’s.
- Collect the information needed to calculate more complex fall distances.
- Review some complex fall arrest forces and fall distance calculations.
- Horizontal Lifelines (HLL’s) design requirements and manufacturer’s out-of-the-bag systems.
Participants are encouraged to bring a scientific calculator or slide rule to meeting.
This meeting is being both sponsored and hosted by Dennis Mullen, Safety Director – New England Division, Gilbane Building Company. Roundtable meeting is being held at Double Tree Hotel, 201 Everett Ave, Chelsea, MA. If ya get lost, call Nancy Hughes on her cell phone # 617-959-4414.
To sponsor/co-sponsor any of the 2020 Roundtable meetings please see below availabilities – first come first serve regarding the month of choice.
As customary, please RSVP your reservation to Nancy Hughes of OHS Training & Consulting Inc. at, by noontime this Friday March 06, 2020 to insure your name is on the sign-in sheet, adequate seating arrangements are available and that Dennis has an accurate head count to provide to Double Tree for luncheon menu.