Hello Roundtable members,
Our next CSREM Roundtable Alliance safety professional development meeting is Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. Dr. Brian T Morris is returning as this month’s speaker.
At the last three meetings, Dr. Morris spoke about the COVID-19 Pandemic. The July meeting will be completely different. With the summer heat upon us, Dr. Morris will discuss heat stress as it relates to the construction industry.
Brian T Morris, MD, JD, MBA, MPH is a physician and attorney. He is also trained in public health. Dr. Morris is the Medical Director for OHS Training & Consulting, Inc.
· Body temperature
-What is normal?
-What is abnormal?
· How hot is it?
-Typical summertime temperatures
-Extreme summer temperatures
-How hot can a construction worksite get?
· How the body tries to regulate its temperature in the face of high heat
-Thermal convection
· What happens when the system is overloaded and breaks down
-Heat cramps
-Heat exhaustion
-Heat stroke
· Treatment for heat stress
-Onsite measures
· Preventing heat stress at a construction site
-Engineering and administrative controls
This July 14, 2020 lecture will be free of the coronavirus, but will address a problem that can be just as deadly. So, who should attend? Individuals who want to learn about how the body handles heat and what can go wrong when the system fails catastrophically. In this day and age, no one should ever die from excessive heat exposure. You will learn how to provide a safe working environment even during a severe summer heat wave.
Microsoft Teams call in information: Link
Be Well and Stay Safe