From Glenn:
Hello Roundtable folks,
Our next and last for 2016 CSREM Roundtable Alliance professional safety development meeting is Tuesday, December 13th at 10:00. The topic for this meeting is Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard in Construction.
In our March 2016 Roundtable meeting Susan Shepherd, MA Department of Labor Standards, On-Site Consultation Program, explained the contents and responsibilities of the new Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard in Construction to us. Susan had shared her March speaking presentation for Roundtable membership reference as attached (at the end of this post). Now that we have had time to digest most of those items, it is time to understand the employer requirements and other key contractor provisions of this standard. In 193 days from this December 13th meeting contractors must be in compliance with final “Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard in Construction: rule sans legal delay or re-opening of the rulemaking process.
Join us while Bob Kunz, Corporate Safety Director, Dimeo Construction Company, leads us through a wide ranging interactive discussion (from the contractors perspective) related to this standard with a compliance required date of June 23, 2017. We will discuss, various items such as the role and responsibility of the competent person, the difference between engaged and in vicinity workers (Is compliance with the 18 Table 1 tasks enough?), real-time exposure assessment(s), medical surveillance, and written exposure control plan(s).” Bob has had years of Crystalline Silica sampling and worker experience from a Silicosis point of view from open pit mining activities.
It has been a while since we’ve had a lesson learned presentation. As a group, we all participated in September 13th OSHA’s Region 1 Cut-It-Out Stand Down regarding the safe use of Cut Off Saws. While we have Bob at the podium, Bob is willing to share with us a lessoned learned on chop saws that he created for his Dimeo team.
The sponsor for this month’s meeting is Derek Lines, Director of Safety, John Moriarty & Associates, Inc. and hosted by Kevin McCarthy of Liberty Mutual. The meeting is being held at Liberty Mutual Conference Center, Riverside Office Park, 20 Riverside Road, Weston, MA 02493. If ya get lost, call Kevin on his cell phone # 617-512-0848 or Nancy on her phone # 617-959-4414.
As customary, please RSVP to Nancy Hughes of OHS Training & Consulting Inc. at, by this Friday December 09th to assure your name is on the security list and an accurate head count is provided for the luncheon.