Oct Virtual Mtg 10/20 at 10:00 AM

From Glenn:
Hello Roundtable members,

It is obvious for the near future CSREM Roundtable Alliance safety professional development meetings will be held virtually.
At last month’s September meeting Atty Nathan Henderson of Region 1 OSHA offered an insightful review of OSHA Act Legislative History by dissecting the 05/15/2020 DC Circuit Court appeals decision of the Kiewit Power Constructors Co. case.

This month’s speaker is Dr. Brian Morris. Brian T Morris, MD, JD, MBA, MPH is a physician and attorney. He is also trained in public health. Dr. Morris is the Medical Director for OHS Training & Consulting, Inc. / OHS Total Care.
Dr. Morris spoke at the March, April, June, and July meetings. Since the July meeting, so much has changed with regard to the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Based on new research, we know significantly more about how this virus spreads. In addition, there are better ways to test for the virus. Interesting, new treatments are in development. And, finally, there is the vaccine.

Dr. Morris’ presentation will try to focus on new data. The agenda includes:

• Where we stand now in the COVID-19 Pandemic
-Get ready for the autumn surge

• What we know about transmission
-Why the virus is spread so easily

• Symptoms
-Take time to smell the roses

• Personal Protective Measures
-How much of a difference do they really make?

• This is not just a respiratory infection
-This virus can affect the entire body

• High-risk people
-Statistically, YOU are likely at high risk

• Work
-Strategies for staying home and for returning to work

• Testing
-The pros and cons of three tests

• Treatment
-What’s old is new

• Vaccine update
-When to expect your coronavirus vaccination

Below is the link to log on-to Microsoft Teams Meeting – Microsoft Teams call in information:
Microsoft Teams
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+1 469-998-6071 United States, Dallas (Toll)
Conference ID: 267 555 171#

Next month, November 10th Maryann Medeiros MPH, CSP, Assistant Regional Administrator, Cooperative and State Programs, Region I, USDOL – OSHA, will provide the annual OSHA Region 1 update.

July Mtg

Hello Roundtable members, 

Our next CSREM Roundtable Alliance safety professional development meeting is Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. Dr. Brian T Morris is returning as this month’s speaker. 

At the last three meetings, Dr. Morris spoke about the COVID-19 Pandemic.  The July meeting will be completely different.  With the summer heat upon us, Dr. Morris will discuss heat stress as it relates to the construction industry. 

Brian T Morris, MD, JD, MBA, MPH is a physician and attorney.  He is also trained in public health.  Dr. Morris is the Medical Director for OHS Training & Consulting, Inc.

·       Body temperature

            -What is normal?

            -What is abnormal?

·       How hot is it?

-Typical summertime temperatures

-Extreme summer temperatures

-How hot can a construction worksite get?

·       How the body tries to regulate its temperature in the face of high heat

-Thermal convection


·       What happens when the system is overloaded and breaks down

-Heat cramps

-Heat exhaustion

-Heat stroke

·       Treatment for heat stress

-Onsite measures


·       Preventing heat stress at a construction site



-Engineering and administrative controls


This July 14, 2020 lecture will be free of the coronavirus, but will address a problem that can be just as deadly.  So, who should attend?  Individuals who want to learn about how the body handles heat and what can go wrong when the system fails catastrophically.  In this day and age, no one should ever die from excessive heat exposure.  You will learn how to provide a safe working environment even during a severe summer heat wave.

Microsoft Teams call in information: Link

Be Well and Stay Safe

May Meeting

From Glenn: Hello Roundtable members,

Our next CSREM Roundtable Alliance safety professional development meeting is Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. This month’s speaker is Dr. Brian T Morris.
Brian T Morris, MD, JD, MBA, MPH is a physician and attorney. He is also trained in public health. Dr. Morris is the Medical Director for OHS Training & Consulting, Inc. / OHS Total Care.

Dr. Morris spoke at last month’s meeting. He presented an overview SARS-CoV-2, the virus that is causing the COVID-19 Pandemic. He also discussed recommendations regarding how the construction industry could screen and protect its workers. Finally, he closed by looking at what the future might bring.

So much has happened in the past few weeks. This month, Dr. Morris will look at new medical discoveries and relate these to the construction industry. The agenda includes:

• COVID-19 update:
-Who is prone to infection and why?
-COVID-19 is so much more than a lung infection
-Who is likely to die from COVID-19?
-If I survive COVID-19, am I immune to future SARS-CoV-2 infections?

• What can construction industry employers do?
-How to eliminate SARS-CoV-2 from the workplace
-Is employee testing for the virus possible
-Engineering and Administrative Controls
-How long can the virus live on surfaces?
-A breakthrough in disinfectant technology
-Respirator protection: good, better, best
-Why it’s great to work outside this summer

• A look to the future
-We’ve flattened the curve. Now what?
-New treatments
-Good news on the vaccination front!
-How to reopen your business and stay open
-The new normal

This May 12, 2020 lecture will NOT be a rehash of last month’s presentation, but it will build on some of the data introduced at that time. So, who should attend? People in the construction industry who want to know how this devastating pandemic will affect them and what can be done to mitigate the effects.

This meeting is being sponsored by Glenn Narrow, Corporate Safety Director, Greenwood Industries, Inc. The Meeting is being will be held via Microsoft Teams at this link.

We will be joined by our partners from Safer RI and NE Chapter of ASSP. Welcome everyone.