June Meeting Announcement

From Glenn Narrow:

Hello Roundtable folks,

The next CSREM Roundtable meeting is Tuesday, June 13th at 10:00. This month’s professional development topic is old State Department of Public Safety (DPS) is now the Office of Public Safety & Inspections.

Our speaker for this meeting is Robert Anderson, Chief of Inspections – Building & Engineering,

Division of Professional Licensure, Office of Public Safety and Inspections. New address and new phone #’s for Rob includes; One Ashburton Place – Room 1301, Boston, MA   02108, Office (617) 826-5268, Cell (617) 593-0086.

Rob will provide clarification and explanation of the following:

  • Department of Public Safety now the Office of Public Safety & Inspections – What is the affect?
  • Ninth Edition of the State Building Code – Schedule and Format.
  • Construction Supervisor License and Other Exams.
  • Trench, Recreational Tramway & Trench Safety.

Some of you are saying I remember attending State DPS Trench Safety Laws and Regulations Seminars from a Robert Anderson. One and the same, Rob’s former title was Director of Construction Code Education, Department of Public Safety, 50 Maple Street, Milford, MA.

This month’s meeting is being sponsored and hosted by Daniel Della-Giustina, Safety Director, Consigli. Meeting is being held at Consigli’s corporate facility, Sumner Street, Milford, MA. Historically, our Roundtable meeting was held inside Consigli’s 72 Sumner Street corporate office. This Roundtable meeting will be held in Consigli’s new training facility (GPS) 74 Sumner Street. The large flat roof 2 story building to the right before the corporate office. You would be better served to park in the upper lot behind the building and walk down to the double doors. For those of you who are used to parking in the old ambulance building lot – that building was demoed to erect said training facility. If ya still get lost, call Dan on his cell phone #508-686-6008 or Nancy on her phone # 617-959-4414.

As customary, please RSVP to Nancy Hughes of OHS Training & Consulting Inc. at nancy.ohstc@gmail.com, by noontime this Friday June 9th to insure your name is on the sign-in list and an accurate head count is provided for the luncheon.

May Meeting Announcement

From Glenn:

Hello Roundtable folks,

The next CSREM Roundtable meeting is Tuesday, May 09th at 10:00. This month’s professional development topic is OSHA’s National Safety Stand Down in Construction.

As many of you know Werner Company has been working in conjunction with Region I (New England) OSHA in conducting onsite presentations at Alliance, Partners and others with educational Fall Protection/Prevention sessions. Our Roundtable session is not aimed at craft workers but geared toward the continued technical development of the safety professional who already performs the Falls Stand Down training.

Our speaker for this meeting is Kevin Warnock, Total Distribution Sales Consultants LLC for WernerCo, East Granby, CT. Kevin will provide ladder and fall protection safety education and training as it relates to product knowledge, operation instruction, maintenance tips and authorized field repairs on brand products.

The sponsor for this month’s meeting is Shaun Carvalho, Safety Director, Shawmut Design and Construction and meeting hosted by Kevin McCarthy of Liberty Mutual. The meeting is being held at Liberty Mutual Conference Center, Riverside Office Park, 20 Riverside Road, Weston, MA 02493. If ya get lost, call Kevin on his cell phone # 617-512-0848 or Nancy on her phone # 617-959-4414.

As customary, please RSVP to Nancy Hughes of OHS Training & Consulting Inc. at nancy.ohstc@gmail.com, by this Friday May 5th to insure your name is on the security badge list and an accurate head count is provided for the luncheon.

April’s Meeting Announcement

The next CSREM Roundtable meeting is Tuesday, April 11th at 10:00.

The professional development topic is “Suicide in the Workplace and Prevention Methods.”  According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Construction and Extraction workers account for 10.8% of the nation’s suicides and according to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, suicide (11) was the leading single cause of workplace fatalities in 2013, followed by falls (10) as the second.

Our speakers will be Shamera Simpson, The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s (AFSP) Area Director, Eastern MA and RI; Kelley Cunningham,  Commonwealth of Massachusetts Assistant Director of the Suicide Prevention Program, and Timothy Irving, OSHA Assistant Regional Administrator will be presenting on this topic.  Highlights of this presentation will focus on facts about occupational suicide as reported by the CDC, Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health;  AFSP will present a suicide prevention training called Talk Saves Lives and MA Division of Violence and Injury Prevention will review available resources and update on local initiatives targeted at the CSREM membership.

To preview reports, go to: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/65/wr/mm6525a1.htm?s_cid=mm6525a1_w , https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2016/article/suicide-in-the-workplace.htm  , http://www.mass.gov/eohhs/docs/dph/occupational-health/alert/2013.pdf

The sponsor for this month’s meeting is Raymond C. Coia, Administrator, New England Laborers¹ Health and Safety Fund and meeting hosted by Kevin McCarthy of Liberty Mutual. The meeting is being held at Liberty Mutual Conference Center, Riverside Office Park, 20 Riverside Road, Weston, MA 02493. If ya get lost, call Kevin on his cell phone # 617-512-0848 or Nancy on her phone # 617-959-4414.

As customary, please RSVP to Nancy Hughes of OHS Training & Consulting Inc. at nancy.ohstc@gmail.com, by this Friday April 07th to insure your name is on the security badge list and an accurate head count is provided for the luncheon.